Learning from 2018 and looking forward to 2019
HAPPY NEW YEAR from the tonlé team! We're grateful for your support in so many ways this past year. In wrapping up this year we're in reflection mode - Help us improve our business and services by filling out this 5 minute survey, and as thank you, we'll send you a $25 gift card!
2018 was a year of growth and was not without challenges, but we're grateful for your support at every step of the way. We're a relatively small team with big audacious dreams, and every order, every piece of kind feedback, every share on social media, really does make a difference.

It is a place where people can come to work and feel safe, free, and supported. This is something that Ravy has created along side every other maker at tonlé, and she has been a leader in her own community, as well as inspiring others on the team to make that safe space for each other as well.
To each person reading this who has purchased and supported our work in many different ways, you're a part of making a dream a reality, too, a dream of a workplace where people can not only earn a good living while making clothing, but can feel inspired, uplifted, challenged, and safe. These goals might seem basic and every person who works on the products we purchase should be entitled to the basic conditions workers in the US and other countries can depend on, but we are sadly far from a world where that is the norm. While we are all together in this fight to reshape that world, I want to remind you that each action that may seem small can make a big difference to someone, and that each of those choices are unquestionably worth the effort. So without further ado, cheers to the end of 2018 and a new year ahead - With so much gratitude to each person on the tonlé team and each person who has supported our work this year.